That’s it, the three kings are in and the tree (Christmas) has been stripped naked, exiled to the garden and her baubles buried in the depths of the cupboard where no one ever goes.
Slowly the ties with the year past are unravelling and bitsnbobs – the blog that predicts – is almost ready to step onward.
But not quite.
Firstly there is the 2009 End of Year Quiz Click here to take survey which is hanging on for late stragglers from the party and secondly….
…..The Years Review 2009!!
First the stats; 227 posts, 415 comments (of which half or thereabout were my own)…hmmm……. compared to last year when I posted – wow !!(I’ve just counted) – 227 times……. and amassed a mere 27 comments.
You the readers have put more effort in than I have.
I must do better!
In 2009 I tried to bring you the latest in unasked for innovation – a treasure trail, groundbreaking Scanart, an improvisation challenge, films, videos, quizzes, and even a themed month.
And I tried to come up with content you won’t find anywhere else (who would have it anyway?) and titles to interest.
In January – I didn’t write about very much, just added some bits and bobs.
In February – i wrote about death, the life of a coming spring and got a bit introspective.
In March – Spring broke forth.
April arrived – and i discovered the Museum of Lost Content.
By May – celebrations were tumbling thick and fast and i wrote about a Green Bendy Thing that can Save Your Life.
In June – While my mum, sister aunt, daughter, Bruce Springsten and Michael Jackson all made appearances (or departures) I also wrote about The Moon's Contact Lenses.
Ah, July – I started to sleep outside and suffered problems with Mr Westworth and with My Shorts.
August – although the tragedy of Lokerbie received a lot of sympathetic comments I also wrote about the Attack of the Mutant Teenagers.which didn't receive any!
And then September – and an attempt to create blog improvisation lead to the post with the highest comment count (Improv Challenge Day 2), also the post during which I enjoyed the most intensity while writing (Down the Rabbit Hole) but I also had time to write about Changing the World AND the connection between My Mum and Quentin Tarantino.
In October – the blog was Censored !!
November – many coincidences, which got pretty weird when it got to Shakespeare but also included the Spot the Toe Competition. that no one entered.
And finally December – where I started by creating a Film advent Calendar and finished with the Quiz of the Year 2009.(hurry, hurry - last few days).
And titles?
My own favourites were “Shadows and Soft Silence” and “Wiki Birthday Bill” – which surprisingly were sequential – though “Gravitating Towards Stardust”, “Frozen Parrots”, “Something Silent This Way Comes” and “Snails Vegetarians and a Donkey” are all close contenders.
So that was the year that was, some of it went unnoticed by the majority, some of it was digested by you.
Thanks, and let me know what title or post, photo, video, story or combination of words you enjoyed the most from 2009..
I enjoyed the Improvisation challenge as it was groundbreaking and quite unique in style. I also enjoyed the Advent calendar series, which I thought was very original.
Your blog went from strength to strength in 2009!! Eye-catching titles and entertaining posts certainly kept me intrigued. So, many congratulations!! I am looking forward to seeing what 2010 has in store.
Thanks Janet, i will try to come up with something.
How much time do the EVO courses consume?
I love all of your posts, and this blog really is a treasure trove of surprises for me. But I think some that made me chuckle most were ones to do with your kids, and their friends and your neighbours.
Ah, and your lawn mower repair man as well:
Ok - people are the best source of humour then.
This year i have to try and get you to guffaw not chuckle!
The EVO courses run for 6 weeks and involve a lot of interaction amongst participants, which is fun as you can discuss task-related activities. The time factor depends on you really, but I guess an hour a day is minimum, but you can spend as long as you want.
Why don't you give one a go? I am sure you won't regret it and it will be great for expanding your PLN.
Do i have a PLN to expand? What is it?
You might want to expand your very own "Personal Learning Network". Eg meet people who have similar interests to you so that you can share your thoughts etc with a view to learning more about your particular field of interest.
For example, Burcu Akyol here gives a low down on 40 Influential Educators in ELT @
Of course, you are a part of my PLN because I learn a lot about allsorts from your blog:)
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