1. Why there were dice next to my daughter's birthday cake.
2. Why people shout and scream (with joy) at political meetings.
3. Why some people vote but never demonstrate.
4. Why some people who care about global warming aren't against capitalism.
5. Why some people think liberalism is different than capitalism.
6. Why some people like GPSs.
7. Why, if 0 degrees c is freezing point, sometimes its zero and the puddles aren't frozen and sometimes, like today its three degrees and they are.
8. Why my son needs to change his mobile phone so often.
9. Why governments don't outlaw packaging that can't be recycled.
10. Why every time i have to buy a new cat flap i have to cut a bigger hole in the door even though my cats remain the same size.
11. Why IS there a hole puncher in the bathroom next to the shampoo?
12. Why this page did not work properly before
13.Whether i am being mean not wanting to share my underwear with my son.
14. Mary.
15. What happened.
There are a lot of other things that i don't understand, i just haven't listed them here.
For example -
16.Why it started raining an hour after i hung my washing on the line to dry (Sunday) and it hasn't stopped since (Thursday).
That's quite a list of imponderables -- some are mundane,others,esoteric. Can't decide whether sentences starting with the word 'Why' require a questions mark or not. Gets one thinking, doesn't it?
PS - very difficult to share underwear but must be done if necessary, especially in the winter.
Ooops sorry, i was being mundane!
I do not understand why........
Mundane is good -- Like about why your son need to change his cell phone so often. Mine does too. Those everyday things - stapler near shampoo in bathroom, etc. The little mysteries of life.
Then the 'BIG' ones - liberalism, capitalism, and all that. Very difficult.
Anyway, pretty fun list.
i've added to it!
And I've just worked out (on this visit - and my visits don't happen nearly often enough, I'll grant you) you have been posting just once a week. In fact you have been posting lots!
A whole load Vicki!!
You just know where to look!
Here's a clue - pages.
Here's another - 2 0 1 3.
10. Chris, I hate to tell you, but your house is shrinking.
6. Their GPSs work.
3. Voting, not-voting... We Americans have a sad history of hanging chads and other forms of not-voting. By contrast, if you're actually at a demonstration, can you not be considered a demonstrator even if you're just there for the music and the company and no. 2 above?
15. why Anne leaves really nice suggestions on The Musical advent Calendar Thingy and then wipes them off.
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