Sunday 6 May 2012

(A First)Thought Of The Day.

Are you sure?


How can you be?

I’ve been conscientious!

Ah - like in “religious”.

Yes, I’m glad you remembered.

How could I forget! You went on, and on, and ON about it (here).

It was necessary.

Hey, changing the subject, do you remember how last week you said - “this is going to be difficult?”

Was it me?


Are you sure?

Hang on, I’ll check ….. yep, you.

Ok, then I remember. So?

Well. This is going to be difficult too isn’t it?

Yes. Er……… what?

Doing our “Thought of The Day” conversations, WITH a title that uses brackets, in the middle of  “A First” month.

It will be, but we managed today didn’t we?

With the “when was the first Thought of the Day conversation between you and me here on this blog” question?


Even though your answer is about the genesis of the idea not the actual naming and i was not even in Italics?


Ok, but can we keep it up?

I have an idea for next week yes, but after that it looks rough.



That doesn’t sound good.

Well, it’s something to think about at least!

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