As you may or may not know, care or not care, be aware of or ignore totally… Bitsnbobs – the blog with clumsy sentences – hides within its folds several mini series.
One such is Lists.
Why do I bother with Lists?
Is it art as someone kind once suggested, is it obsession or is it that I believe that future generations will come to see these as important as others did Samuel Pepys' scribblings.
Surely Lists show what life is all about?
Or is it art, with a capital F?
Or is it because I don’t want to forget?
Anywhichallways… here is the latest.
How did what go?
Thank you!x
Yes :DxxX
God I start at 11
Being hugged so..
HaHa! See you l…
Market day. Lov…
You rang?
Tell god x
Oh god is it still l…
At campagnaque..
Not there yet bu…
Vero came to ge..
What did it say?
Didn’t really matte..
Welcome home:-…
Exhausted. Cooki…
Are you able to…
Morning. I’m tryin…
It was so good a…
Moon lit animals…
Repondeur SFR…
Ooooooh :D
Ok could you tell…
Ooh yes!
Did you get the…
I’m on my way x
I’ll in again
About to watch….
Are you here?
Ooh sorry we ar…
About 12h☺ if t…
Can you phone m…
Don’t think it’s th…
Send me a text…
Made it easily! W…
Coming :D
Send me a text
Ready ☺ meat m…
Have arrived! A…
Much better and…
part four of an occasional series
part three here
Can't add much to the importance of lists discussion except that Woody Allen used them in his written work.
What is depicted in the photo -- A river, yes, but where?
Sorry -- hit the send button before I could enter my ID.
I think that the book where Woody uses lists is called 'Without Feathers'.
A river - on the wall, on a map, on the side of the tourist office, entwined with vines.
The Aveyron, near here, where i swim.
Okay now I'm obsessing about this but the book with the lists is 'Getting Even' not Without Feathers; specifically, 'The Metterling Lists'.
Here a link:
YOU're obsessing!!?
this is my fourth in a series of four (so far) and this is only part one of part four!
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