When I’m working I try to maintain a professional demeanour.
I think it’s only right.
The other day I was working with Valerie, helping her in English during a one to one session.
At one point she stopped what she was doing, looked across the table and said – “Please Chris, what means dick?”
And I’m afraid I giggled.
I couldn’t help it!
It was the way she said it!!
So seriously!
Valerie is a highly successful businesswoman, part of her job is entertaining (and being entertained by) international sales managers, so we had been role-playing a trip to the restaurant.
The role-play required her to ask me (the waiter) to explain something on the menu.
Because I had thought it would be more authentic and interesting I had drawn up a menu that included baked parsnips, toad in the hole and spotty dick.
She works in the cosmetic industry - I thought – it will be useful to see a different use for “spotty”.
“Dick” – she said it again, and reached for her dictionary.
“It doesn’t have any dick” – she said.
And I’m afraid I laughed.
I laughed too. :-)
He he he he .
Sometimes the old jokes are the best. I like to keep some "spotted dick" in the cupboard because I've found 'merican guests will rarely turn the offer to try it.
Then i think you will appreciate this Vicki
Oh I do, I do! You have just inspired another post. Thanks Chris!
You're welcome, glad to inspire.
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