Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Maggot Stuff.

Time to do this again !!


Yes, take your….

Well the war w….

No but it’s on….

Hmm tricky….

Yes. It was wr…..

My next book i…..

Ps. I xas impr…

Been there. Do…

I think I’ll h…

I got it just…

Been there? Yo….

How did you ge…..

I know the hou…


Non no c

Could it be bo…


I mean it’s go….

A lot?

Oh no ! it’s r….

I can see the…



We are done;)

Ah dam ok did…

Is it ok with…

Say hi! Xxx

I miss you x

Haha ok

Ok we’re headi….

Hello up there…

Well, I see yo….

I’ll see you l…

No Mr Chris. y…

You are expens…

Duck? Mezze pl…

Ms F says so w….

Drinks only?

La Plage 7:00p

Ok. Sleep tigh…

Coucou. On n’a…

All cats have…

Votre cois a…

Alerte orage…


I’ll be eating…

Big rain for l…

It’s coming!


Maggot stuff s….

If the maggots…

Where are we M…

“888” messager….


Wine not?

Mmm r,YM5$

Ah ok Mr C-I…


Hello Mr C Ar…

Yes! On my wa…

Please input t….

Thanks Mr C. I…

Forgot to buy…

That’s good.

Good night! (S…

Credit Agricol…

“888” Messager

Ceder! Thanks

Strange! What’….

Did you find i…

But poor Frank

The. She ain’t…

Tu vas t’inscr…


C’était bien?


Aww thanks mig…

I’ve fed the k….

Fresh air Mr C

Hello Mr C. Ju…

Eating au manJ

Ok Je fais ce…

Salut. Je n’ai…

Vérifiez les c…

“888” Messager

Orange: La fa..

Just saw your…

I’m in vaour a…

Call me i have…

Hi ! We’re on t…

Soyez Prude…

C’est bon j’y…

Opération Pouv…

Coucou, commen…

Orange SAV :


Orange : nous…

Orange : nous..