Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Confined 24.

sketchbook/mai 2020


Xylophone – you could use confinement to learn how to play the xylophone.

If you had a xylophone.

And if you had the desire to learn.

Incidentally, I’ve never met someone who said ‘when I grew up I want to play the xylophone.’


Some things just are.

Vingt-quatrième …….dix-neuvième.

Le ‘x’ est une consonne double.

Maybe Lionel Hampton did.

Chiffre romain qui vaut dix.

Which means that in French you could say – X vaut dix.

Which, pronounced ‘Ixvodis’ – sounds like a character from an Asterix and Obelix  story.


En algèbre x représente l’inconnue.

The unknown.

Like – what happens next?

And there’s a lot of that been asked right now.


It would be useful right now.


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