Monday, 13 April 2020

Confinement 8

sketchbook/march 2020


Happenstance – is that a word that exist? It should! Because it just popped into my head, haphazardly so. I’m going to look it up.

Not in this dictionary – obviously – as it is French and tells me: (see confinement 1)

H n. m. – are we happy with that?

H was someone I shared a house with way, way back when I and university were together. She was definitely female, several of us were in love with her – but to no avail.

Huitième letter de l’aphabet.

It exists!! (I looked it up)

And happenchance!

Happenstance and happenchance- a confinemen,t  yes… and … the weather, and….

L’h peut être muet ou expiré.

Silent or hissed.

Symbole de l’heure.

It’s passing s  l  o w   l      y.

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