Saturday, 11 April 2020

Confinement 7

the sketchbook/March 2020


n.m. 7 et 5 (consonnes)

fricative et gutturale! My exclamation mark.

It depends.

Fricative? Un frottement de l’air expire.

Bit like a sigh then.

And the rest? Must be something to do with the guts, surely.

What else?

Symbolle de l’accéleration de la pesanteur.


Hang on…….

Etat de ce qui est pesant.

I watched The Rum Diaries yesterday – no connection – Hunter S Thompson story filmed by, and with, Johnny Depp.

Today I ordered The Gonzo Papers, a collection……

Ok! Got it!

Sorry, i was playing for time, hoping something would pop into my mind.

G Force, acceleration of heaviness.

So, the confinement accelerates into the future and now they are already talking of the ‘de-confinement’ stage.

Not looking forward to that – green, yellow, red codes in China.

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