Monday, 30 March 2020

Confinement 2.

the sketchbook/March 2020


B (be) n.m.Deuxième letter d’alpahbetet la première de consonnes

It must be nice to be the first; I’m not sure I ever have.

Ok, the 200 meters’ race at school when I was about 13 or 14, maybe later in the school cross country race and probably one of the first boyfriends Gillian Williams dumped. I’m not sure any of those count.

I certainly wasn’t the first to start a blog, move to this village or start thinking if the world will ever be the same.

Do I want it to be though?

There is less pollution, no hunting and the sky is calmer.

Me to.

There is wore acceptance generally.

Est une labiale sonore

A lip sound?

Could be.

Lip service comes to mind.

             Am I paying lip-service to the terms of this confinement?

confinement 1

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