Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Seat pocket of the year.

There are many things I like about my car…..

… the shape…

….. the weird noise the engine makes when you switch it off….

… the fact that the back is big enough to sleep in and if you get stuck in the sand one night as you try to park on the beach, close enough to the waves to her them, there will be someone nearby to push you straight….

…. The absence of warning lights, flashes, noises or voices if you don’t put your seat belt on…

… the little place where you can put a coffee mug…..


… most of all….

……..I like the little pocket on the side of the chair where you can store all your pens.

But for this to be a trivia question i would have to add.... what model is it?

Here's a clue.

A crossing in my price range without telling tales.

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