Every time he sees a plane.
Every time he sees a dog.
Every time he eats spaghetti.
Or lasagne.
Or chorizo, come to that.
Every time he walks through St Pancras
Every time he looks at his e-mails.
Every time he turns on his mobile phone.
Every time he reads the Guardian newspaper.
Every Saturday.
Every January.
Every summer.
Every October.
Every Christmas.
Every time he sits in a plane.
Drives in the night.
Sees frost.
Mist in the morning.
Every night.
Every minute, every day?
we are doomed to choose and every choice may entail an irrepararable.
not sure if its a relevant comment, but i like it...but chirizo with chicken is good, then again its good with prawns, squid, hake, lots of riojox
missed a word..after irraparable is loss...o dear, i realy just like the quote
with the missing word it's even sadder.
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