Sunday, 12 August 2012

A list - of (Thought of The Day) complaints.

The Good Ship Bitsnbobs (this blog) has been listing dangerously to starboard recently. So, in the spirit of “if you can’t beat them join them up into a list," this month – August - i am listing. This is, sort of, explained here.

This is outrageous!

I know!

It’s a scandal!!

More than that!!

A betrayal!!!

Well, you might be going a bit far there…

No! Betrayed, scandalised, outraged, that’s what I am! It’s a misfeasance!!




I found it in the Thesaurus.

What are we talking about by the way?


What’s so outrageous?

What!!!? This!!! That!!! Sunday!!!!


Yes!! Last Sunday!! Where were we?!

I was in the river, but I don’t know where you…

Exactly!!! We were listed.

What do you mean?

Look here, a list! A bloody list!! We were replaced by a list!! And not a word of apology.

But it’s List month.

What! It’s an outrage! Sundays are sacramount, sacrement, sac, special! They’re mine! Ours! It’s where we think Thought of The Day - have done, will do, do do!

But it’s List month.

So, so what? I can do Lists!

You can?

I can! Here’s one – A List of Complaints about Last Sunday!

1. Nobody asked me!
2. No body told me!
3. Nobody cared! Not one reader raised an eyebrow and asked where I was!!
4. Not even Mary!

I think you are stretching the definition of a list there but I see your point.

Good. So what are we going to do about it?

Well I’ll go and ask the powers that be if we can do a list in our Thought of The Day, you go away and write some ‘thoughty’ lists, we need, er, hang on, two.


Mary we can’t do anything about she’s her own self.

I’ll start with a list of Mary!

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