Monday 9 July 2012

From a Very Distant Archive, far, far, away. 9.

All this month of July the editorial staff of Bitsnbobs have shut themselves away in the distant archives. They hope to turn up a few gems, but whatever they find THERE will appear HERE.

Although the trip to The Archives is timely, fraught with danger and shrouded in excessive mystery- they are not as cut of from the outside world as many people think. They are in fact alive and news reaches Mrs Penny even as it is imagined and readers comments on this blog are filed separately for the attention of Bundle her dog - who usually chews them up. So when recently a reader from overseas suggested the archives resembled The Circumlocution Office  from one of Dickens' books, Mrs Penny diligently cross-referenced with the external archives (ah yes! The Archives themselves have archives!!) before giving Bundle his supper. She turned up the following– "a name employed by Charles Dickens in his serial novel Little Dorrit (1855–1857) to designate wearisome government bureaucracy."

Let it be stated that The Bitsnbobs Archives are in no way supported by, or supportive off, government bureaucracy.

They are wearisome only to the already weary (to paraphrase Samuel Johnson).

(And maybe to readers).

To the researcher they are a tearful joy and i may never leave them.


Mary said...

Not weary or wearisome. No hidden agenda. LD's Circumlocution Office is just plain good funny writing -- government bureaucracy being the inspiration. Thought you would find it interesting and worth a laugh.


PS -- Hello to Ms. Penny and Bundle [of Joy, no doubt.] Excellent work being done in the heat of summer.


popps said...

Woof, woof!