Monday, 21 May 2012

A First Impression.

First impressions.

Should we?

Probably not, but… judge a book by it’s cover?

I do.

So what is your first impression of this blog?


Let me explain----

This month there is a theme - though not every month has a theme - and this month the theme is ‘a first', so ‘a first’ features in the title, and then we (the editorial staff) (which in reality is mainly me) add something that has something to do with first – sometimes first TIME, sometimes first THING, and today is ‘first impression’ because ‘First Impressions’ should feature somewhere in this Bitsnbobs-May-Special-wherein-every-post-has-a-link-with-first-(as in May1st).

Any questions?

I hope so, I love them.

Anyway if you want a first impression of me there’s my photo over there on the left (with my sister, which you would know if you clicked on it).

If you want a deeper first impression head over to the mini self-portrait series which you will find by clicking on this – June 2011.

But more important than all of that is the fact that not is this only an integral part of the Bitsnbobs-May-Special-wherein-every-post-has-a-link-with-first-(as in May1st), not only a filler in the aforementioned Bitsnbobs-May-Special-wherein-every-post-has-a-link-with-first-(as in May1st) but ALSO….!!!!!.....the interactive part of the now famous Bitsnbobs-May-Special-wherein-every-post-has-a-link-with-first-(as in May1st).

So …. What is your first impression of this blog? (if you are new) and What WAS your first impression of this blog (if you have been before)?

I won’t ask you for your first impression of me.

I get enough of that each morning in the mirror.

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