1. However nice they are, the number of people present at a party is in inverse relation to the amount of time I can spend in the same room as them.
2. They were all nice.
3. I’m happy at the edge of a party.
4. I’m happy at the edge of the sea.
5. The middle of the sea and the middle of a party are things I don’t understand.
6. I’m more in tune with the edge of the sea than the edge of a party.
7. If Nigel gets out his guitar and leads a sing-along, or if Nigel tries to get me to dance then that will be my cue to say goodnight.
7. Sometimes it rains at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.
8. The Mediterranean Sea is a very fine place to be and you know the rain won’t last.
9. There will always be a small bar, with two or three people watching Barcelona playing football. The bar will be below the apartment where the party is so you can pretend you are still there.
10. The people in the bar will NOT ask you to sing. Barcelona will win.
11. A long walk through Mediterranean Pine Forest, up and down into hidden coves, eating Gambas cooked in garlic by the sea and drinking tea by the light house, a swim, a bit of a party and half a football match in a bar where people speak Catalan makes for a full day.
12. Sleeping with the sound of gentle waves is how it should be.
13. As long as you are dry.
14. Waking to the sound of gentle waves is how it should be.
15. The Mediterranean Sea is fresh at 8am in the second week of April.
16. You can look good in a wet suit, but sometimes it’s better to have one with long sleeves and long legs.
17. The Mediterranean Sea doesn’t have many people in it at 8am in the second week of April.
18. Make mental note to buy a different wet suit.
20. Make a mental note to learn Catalan.
21. There is an alternative route home over the top of the Pyrenean Mountains.
22. It is possible to be swimming in the Mediterranean Sea and slapping on sun cream immediately after, only to find yourself, three hours later, in a snow blizzard.
23. Weekends away finish in the rain.
Bacelona didnt win last night - not when they played chelsea ... I do like Barcelona I don't like Chelsea as a team but they did play well last night. Joe and Joe like football I am learning.
The match isn't over yet saffy, two legs!
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