Thursday 11 November 2010


I must remember to send some Christmas cards this year.

I must remember to go to bed before midnight when Krissie is away.

I must remember to give back Rachel’s dvd.

I must remember to check the spelling of definitely/definately/definetly.

I must remember that there is a pot of rice cooking when I am checking my e-mails.

I must remember to stop leaving my credit card in the machine at the bank and walking around for a week wondering where it is.

I must remember to make a note of the parking bay where I leave the car when I shop at the supermega -market in Toulouse.

I must remember this autumn.


Mary said...

The Autumn will not go gently as the poet used to say.

The leaves blaze ginger, crimson and gold and then they fall away.

Why do the leaves leave us after such a glorious display?

To give us time to think, I think, as we walk along life's way.

[I've enjoyed the glorious autumn through your eyes Chris. Added bonus - Yves Montand! Thank you.]


PS - don't know how I can match peeing in the meadow as a morning activity!

popps said...

But have you tried Mary?
It's not in the top ten but it's in the top 100!(no don't suggest it)
Is the poem your own work? (he asked, impressed)

Mary said...

1) Never tried -- meadows close to my home are the kind of places where you can get arrested for such activity. Mostly I just wake up, make my son's lunch, eat a half bowl of multigrain cereal, dress and drive the lakeshore route which is scenic but jammed with cars to my office in King George Square, 'Old Town' Toronto -circa 1826.

2) For good or bad -- the 'poem' is my work. I've been totally inspired by you and Dave! Best not to encourage me.

3) Top 100 -- Hmmm? Won't push my luck:-)


vicki said...

Love this post!

popps said...

Vicki thanks but what i really ned is you to help me find my car!