The book which I am reading at the moment is really good - and says what I want to say so much better than I will that I have to go and get it and quote directly, so hang on a minute.
While you are hanging on you can read what I wrote about the book already here. And here.
Ok, I’m back.
“In general we look for a new law by the following process. First we guess it. Then we compute the consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law that we guessed was right. Then we compare the result of the computation to Nature, with experiment or experience, compare it directly with observation, to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what their name is – if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That’s all there is to it.”
It turns out that the writers of the book are also quoting someone when I am quoting them, and the above was originally spoken by Feynman. The authors clearly told me in an earlier chapter whom Mr Feynman is but obviously my brain is too little to remember, struggling as it is with some pretty hefty relative time and space concepts.
Who was that guy who was in the bath and jumped out shouting Eureka?
Well, I wasn’t in the bath but I was on my bike when I realised that I could test this out here and now.
There has long been a theory circulating that France is way behind England when it comes to ideas. Only the other day a woman who was trying to rent me a studio apartment for my son told me that when she had been training to be a beautician England was light years ahead of England in terms of hairdressers. Looking at her I agreed.
Then I realised that the present French Government is stumbling down the same road Margret Thatcher stormed down and I decided to put Mr Feynman to the test.
Margaret Thatcher – that evil woman as we affectionately call her – became Pm in 1979. Monsieur Sarkozy took the presidential reigns in 2007.
Therefore I guess that France is 28 years behind France in everything it does.
Now it’s time to compute some consequences if I am right.
How about - the French will be listening to music today that was popular in England 28 years ago – er, hang on, that’s, er, 1982.
Hang on.
Hmm – number one top selling album in the UK – Barbara Streisand – really, blimey. Maybe THAT’S why I left the place.
Hmm, number 2 – The Kids from Fame!
Guess what?
I’m off upstairs to check what he’s listening to.
to be continued
Archimedes cried 'Eureka' when he noticed that displacement of water caused by his body while in the bathtub. Doesn't take much to make some people run down the street naked I guess. I have a similar reaction when my son makes his bed and brushes his teeth in the morning. Speaking of which, is there a bumblebee toothbrush holder winging its way to England?
What is this - are you siding with Dave now?
yes, yes, yes - i bought it today, now give me a break!!!!!
ps the man in the shop said he had some new models coming in and doesn't know what yet!!!!
That's right Chris -- We're ganging up on you! Dave, Loui, Me, the universe. You poor thing. What a week --
first you're turned into a pauper due to your son's artistic aspirations,
then you find your sandals but they're gooped in sunblock,
then you're frying your brain with that math/science book,
then you're jousting poetic with Dave -- which I guess he won cuz you drove all the way to Toulouse to buy the bumblebee toothbrush holder. [Does it at least come WITH a toothbrush?]
And finally, you squirt tangerine juice [who drinks tangerine juice?] onto your laptop.
No wonder you're out of sorts. Still, BnB's survived. I'm thankful.
Mx :-)
On re-reading, my comments may seem a bit harsh which is not my intention. I'm more tired than anything I think. And maybe just a little bit envious.
mmm ... new styles of toothbrush holders you say? Intriguing.
I didn't think "harsh" i thought "ah, at last , someone understands me!"
ps he can get his own toothbrush.
pps What? you have never tried fresh squeezed tangerine juice?
I understand you? Now you're really in trouble!
I noticed in the photo that fresh squeezed tangerine juice is served with 'sucre'. Is it bitter?
Ok, confession - i have only had tangerine juice once- when there were no oranges left.
In the photo what you see is orange juice. The French offer you sugar with EVERYTHING!
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