I have just read that when you wake up after a good night's sleep, you will have travelled half a million miles.
Which is probably the reason I feel so tired.
Or was it the owl that landed in the tree at four in the morning and started screeching?
And screeching.
This interesting fact – the half a million miles NOT the owl – is written on page 8 of “E=mc2 ” – a book published last year that I picked up yesterday from Richard’s bookshelf.
Richard lives on the other side of the forest, in a house on the other side of affluence and has an intelligence on the other side of mine – he also has a lot of books; and every time I visit – he feeds me sometimes – I pick through his literary resources to see if there is something I can understand.
We had chilled carrot and ginger soup followed by water mellon and feta cheese salad.
The cover of the book- ‘why does E=mc2’ – poses a question I am unable to answer and underneath it poses another – ‘and why should we care?’
There is also a picture of a ginger cat lapping from a bowl of universe.( I'm assuming you haven't looked at the photo above yet)
I like cats a lot, so I picked up the book.
I borrowed it.
I have just read the first chapter.
My mind is reeling.
Did you know…………. ?(to be continued)
I'm with you on reading these BIG concept books about life, the universe and everything. Have you ever tried to read 'The Elegant Universe'? Is E=mc2 any easier to read. Just when I think I'm following along, my brain fails me. Is it my lack of math/scientific knowledge or is it a lack of sufficient imagination, I wonder?
Can't say about Elegant Universe 'cos i don't know it.
Will report more on this one as i think it will help me build my time machine which has been a long term goal.
the book claims to have no more maths than Pythawhatshisface and so far so good - i'm on chapter 4 and only fallen out of the hammock once.
Well we know that you don't lack for imagination, so you should do well with the rest of the book.
Time machine eh? Do you want to go back to past or into the future?
Ah - now Mary - there's the rub (is that the right expression?)
Of course the simple answer would be - why should i or would i, limit myself to only one of these choices?
I have been musing this very thought for a while and i'll give you a chance to travel in time on this blog
and here
And you - If you had three wishes that would come true what would they be?
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