Monday 19 July 2010

Monday morning (part one)

This morning, lying in bed wondering what I should write about on this blog, I noticed that a butterfly had landed on the roof of the netting that hangs from the tree under which we are sleeping.

A perfect butterfly silhouette thus formed.

I got up and went to the house to get my camera but when I returned the moment had passed.

So I went back to the kitchen and put the kettle on, I opened a new packet of “Pendent la Moisson” green tea (don’t tell Krissie – there is still some left in the old packet) and went outside to fill the watering can – the flowers look thirsty.

No water.

Mr Westworth!

So I went to the fridge to see if there was any ice cream left.

There was!

No butterfly silhouette, no water but half a tub of Macedonian Nut Brittle.

I limited myself to two teaspoons.

Then I filled the tea pot, put it in my wicker tea pot holder (illustrated), chose my third favourite cup (the one that says “coffee or me” on it and has a face inside - illustrated), picked up my lap top and an apricot and then went to my inside out room (detail above).

Now what?

part two here
part three here


Anne Hodgson said...

If only he's send a card before he fills the pool! Just think of all the tubs and canisters and buckets and vases you could fill! Not to mention the tea kettle. No ice cream for Mr. Westworth.

popps said...

No, no ice cream!