Tuesday 30 March 2010

Gasoline, Books and Human Skin

What do you call that weather they keep having in England, sunny showers? Or is it rain with sudden outbreaks of warm damp? – I really can’t remember the correct term.

Anyhow we have been having a lot of it here today - wild flowers are in chaos and even the cats are happy.

(And you know, it takes a lot to satisfy them. Having total control of the sofa and all other things a human can, and wants to sit on is simply not enough. Yesterday I came home with a new bag of fish flavoured cat granules and will they eat it?)

And the frogs! You should hear them!

But the best thing is the earth - it’s alive with oozing odours; smells sallying forth; (self) announcing aromas and whizzing whiffs.

……my son asked me what my three favourite smells were the other day - we were washing up and had exhausted all other avenues of teenage/adult conversations. I think someone had farted, thus providing us with a handy context.

“Well, not that for a start!”

It’s amazing just how many years, flatulence has provided untold mirth for this family - is it the case in other people's homes?

“No, come on, what are your three favourite smells?”

“Fresh ground coffee, new mown grass and the smell of the sea on a spring evening’s breeze” -I was stretching the idea of three there a little – “And you?”

The question obviously surprised him, even though he had started it. There was a long silence.

We finished putting the dry dishes away, cleared the table, made tea, put the cats out into the rain and I checked my e-mails.

Unable to bear the suspense for another hour I blurted out: “So?”

He looked at me like I was his father.


“Your three favourite smells?”

“Yeah, I’m thinking. Er, actually, I can’t think of any.”



“There are hundreds!” – I’m pretty sure that’s right.



“Petrol……. Books, new books…………… Skin.”

So there you have it – youth (him) today.

Old folk (me) yesterday.

So…. What are your’s?


Anne Hodgson said...

1. an "enchanted garden" smell, with pansies and marigolds and apple and plum trees; my grandfather's garden in Pfarrweisach, basically.
Those are a bit more than three smells, right there.
I'm going to push my luck:
2. summer rain in a hot city, viz. Washington
3. gas – me, too, Loui. I remember gassing up at 5 in the morning on our way to Drummond, and that was heaven.

Janet Bianchini said...

These are some of my favourite smells, preferably all together, as being experienced right now!

1. The aroma of freshly- brewed coffee
2. Fresh hyacinths
3. Freshly-mown grass

Mike Harrison said...

Hello Chris (and Anne and Janet),

I think my three favourite smells are these:

1) freshly baked fruitcake (my grandmother's)

2) pear drops (remind me of being a little child and going to the sweet shop) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pear_drops

3) Spring rain (especially in the countryside) - I don't mind the rain. Is that unusual??

Mike =)

popps said...

Hey what's all with this Gas, petrol!?
I liked it when i was 11 but still?
Surely even munich can offer something better?

popps said...

Hi Mike, and welcome - i think this is your first visit, let me get you the official welcome pack....
...tell you what i'll swap it for a piece of that fruitcake!
Pear drops, interesting - i don't remember them having much smell but i was a pineapple chunk boy myself.
Does your Gran do Christmas cake too?

Mike Harrison said...

Yep, first visit - found the mirror posts through Janet and a little bewildered but very intrigued =)

My gran makes great choc cake, rock cakes, in fact all cakes! My fave has to be fruitcake though, with a good hit of ginger!

popps said...

Ginger sounds good, bewildered bad, intrigued good...
so thanks again, it's a mix the blog, there are some links over on the left that help introducethings.
I guess it's bits and bobs and i never had show and tell when i was a kid.
Where are you/you from?

Mike Harrison said...

From and in London at the moment. I'm guessing from posts you're in France. I think bewildered can be good - everyone's blog is a little different, amazing to see all the different takes on life, learning and teaching - so it's all good!
And bewilderment gets less when you take a jump and comment =) will keep an eye on your show and tell

popps said...

Yep, in france but i too am from London.
if you stick around i'll be asking you to do a mirror post next time, so watch out!
thnx aagain for being part of it.

Dave said...

Hi Chris. The old blog posts are starting to look more and more like a Beckett play. Maybe you could write that one act piece for two performers, you know, the one that starts with two Eskimos in snow shoes...

As the great man said himself:

'I shall state silences more competently than ever a better man spangled the butterflies of vertigo'. Which, I do think, says it all really...


popps said...

I was worried, i thought maybe you were...
Dead right about Beckett though, he is incomprehensible.
Now when you say 'old' blog posts do you mean old as in the ones from 2008, or old as in me old mucker?
If you mean the former then what you are saying is that the sketch i wrote about the two eskimos several years ago is finally begiinning , with age, to look good?
If the latter that i should rewrite the whole thing in amore illogical way?
do you still have the draft i did on google docs?