I have a frog thermometer stuck to my bedroom window, a frogthometer so to speak, and yesterday it read an incredible 51 degrees Celsius!
Wind and faulty suction caps had actually turned it upside down so this record reading was probably due to gravity.
Today though, the right way up, it is registering over 40 degrees, which I can believe as it is very, very, very hot and I have retired to the hammock under the tree to pen this week’s Digestive - the useful, lie-in-your-hammock-and-catch-up service that is offered here at Bitsnbobs.
And HEAT (with a touch of gravity) was one of the subjects that you might have missed this week, though I suspect the heat wave is elsewhere than just here – although Steve, one of my numerous brother-in-laws reports that in England it is November.
Which is weird – I knew there was a time difference but 3 months?!!
Elsewhere this week there was a tree you can walk through to get to an egg you can sit in – which is clearly a metaphor for PRESIDENTIAL BASHING.
And something FORGOTTEN (but remembered) and something REMEMBERED (but forgotten).
And a FAREWELL, or a fare ye well.
Or both.
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