Michael drove off this morning leaving us a note on the table, a meadow with an empty corner where we wish him to be and where the memories of all that we shared this summer will linger for a long time, until he returns one day to build new ones…….
…….and a story.
When he was a younger man than he is today he lived with a friend in Birmingham. They both owned motorbikes, which they frequently used to escape south to London for the weekend.
On one such occasion Mike was a little quicker of the two out of the blocks and as he raced southward he decided to stop at a roadside shop and buy two ice creams and wait for Nick to catch up.
The ice creams were Mint Crisps – a vanilla and mint combination that many remember with affection.
As he stood at the side of the road he was shocked to see Nick roar past without noticing him so, without thinking – as one often does in youth – he leapt astride his bike and raced off in pursuit, an ice cream clutched against each of the handlebars.
Mike reasoned that the cool air would prevent the ice creams from melting.
He caught up with Nick who saw him coming in his wing mirror – the two empty ice cream cones caught his attention first.
When he turned he saw Mike, covered from head to foot in white and green streaks of ice cream.
Nick, who is now a film maker, should use that scene in a film one day.
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