Things I have learnt through organising an “oscar” event.
1. Give people a month to read the nominations and they will start on the day that you tell them that the month is three days over and it’s time to vote.
2. Tell people that in a month you will set up a voting page and ONE will ignore you and vote one month early, in any inappropriate place.
3. Give people a two-part voting page and some of them will only complete part one.
4. Give people a voting page and they will find some way to vote in the wrong bit of it.
5. E-mail someone a link to the voting page and they will panic and say “I don’t understand”
6. List six “things I learnt through organising an “oscar event” and someone will leave a sarcastic comment, someone else will vote a second time and a third person will start reading the nominations, finally.
voting part one here
voting part two here
see all the nominations here
Err, which number do I come under??
7. Mary Poppins. perfect in every way.
I actually love the film, but I would never call myself a Mary Poppins. Thanks anyway!!
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