I don’t know about you but I think that should be Spring!
Come on, out with the Winter!
Be gone with ye!
Get thee lost!!
I don’t want to wait another 20 days!
Look, four seasons right? - June, July, and August– that’s clearly summer (or will be if the clouds stay away); September, October and November will do for Autumn…….. December, January and Feb is plenty enough of Winter and here we are - 1st March, let’s SRING!
Ring out the Daffodils !!
Shake those Tulips!
And, what’s more, I’ve had enough of my February experimental linguistic austerity.
I’ve taken lexical laxatives !!
And I’m going for the world record number of exclamation marks in one post!!!!!
(Even though the writing tips the other day clearly instructed the opposite).
Mental spring-cleaning is over and it’s back to basics!
First off – It’s Oscar month.
The motion picture academy is gearing up for their ceremony. But, do they let YOU vote?
NO! But here on Bitsnbobs – the blog with the, er, bits and bobs I guess - not only did you get to pick the categories and the nominations but you also get to vote!!
How democratic is that?!?
A month ago after hours - no days, WEEKS !! - Of hard and patient idea-ing and a-whittling, the nominations in ground braking artistic categories were decided.
If you haven’t already get thee over to here by clicking this link and view all the illustrious contenders in the 14 outrageous categories, and take your time, check each of them out - you have a few days.
Then, when you have finished digesting, you can vote and help decide the recipients of the holy grail of artistic endeavours by clicking on this link
Click here to take survey
and then on this one for the second part.
Click here to take survey
Isn’t it exciting?
The results, in direct competition with that other Oscar event, will be published, with great fanfare, on March 7th.
Hurry, hurry – don’t delay (Saff) – we have to know…..
-……Will Spooky - the only « thing » nominated in TWO categories - walk away with the readers’ accolades ?!?!
Very exciting indeed! I have just dutifully completed the 2 surveys. My bet is that Spooky will surely and most undoubtedly run away with the readers' accolades? I await the "Alternative" Oscar event with great anticipation.
Well done Janet, i'm getting excited too.
Spooky is a wreck.
btw, were you in the Canary Islands (not Martinique, clues were there, I know!!)and if so, which one??
I have to confess, a little embarrassed, that it was Tenerife.
Ugly in large parts, i was very selective with my camera angles.
Clues you missed - there weren't many - Spanish surf instructor.
Ocean not sea.
I've never been to Tenerife but it looks spectacular from your photos!! I lived in Fuerteventura for a year and that was an amazingly beautiful island as well.
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