some things just last for ever |
Tell me something else about Rome.
The Treveni Fountain was covered in
scaffolding and plastic sheets.
Did you throw a coin in, make a wish?
There was no water.
No water? How do you know it was a
Some things you just know.
Did you go to the Spanish Steps.
I walked up them, and then I walked down
them. I stepped the steps.
They’re steps.
That’s it?
Well there’s a sign saying that it is forbidden to squall.
That’s what it said.
What’s squalling?
I don’t, but you can’t do it on The Spanish
Steps in Rome.
Did/do you want to?
I might have, and i might have been known to, in the
past but not knowing exactly what it
constitutes I can’t promise that i did, nor not to do so again.
Fair enough.
NO SQUALLING, you say? Wouldn't have guessed it from the Italians who have entire operas full of squalling.
Must confess, I myself have squalled. Here, there, and everywhere - couldn't help it really. The timing never seems quite right.
Signs like that simply don't help. Turns people into 'secret' squallers when really there is nothing the matter with squalling per se. Can even be therapeutic to do so.
Anyway, this draconian by-law explains why there are so many people just sitting on the Spanish Steps, neatly, quietly, looking a bit bored, if truth be told.
A tiny bit of squalling just wouldn't hurt. Liven up the place a little.
Bet there was plenty of squalling on the steps when the great Romantic poets Keats, Shelley and Byron lived right next door. They probably looked out and witnessed squalling, as well as shouting and singing, and were most inspired by these activities.
Those were the days.
Today - dogs can't bark, children can't play and no squalling on the Steps. O what a world!
Mx ;-)
Aha! I knew it!!
You're a squaller!!
Would be intrigued to hear that....
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