Thursday, 4 December 2014

Third Question in the 2014 Quiz of The Year.

third christmas tree
One of those days.

You know, when it's colder so you put your winter jacket on for the first time...

Get to those big metal barriers that they stick across the road so you have to put money in to open them and carry on...

And you find out that you left your wallet in the other jacket...

And you scrabble around under the seat, in the ash tray, in the glove compartment thingy whilst all the other motorists glare at you...

Until you find the one euro forty you need...

Except twenty cents of it is in five cent pieces that you don't think the machine will accept...

But you throw it in anyway...


And it rejects it...

But as you fish it back out of the rejected coin thingy...

You find coins valued more than you threw in....

So the barrier opens...

But then the red light thingy that says 'you have no petrol left' starts warning you that you are about to cough to a full stop on the ring road in full rush hour...

And you have five minutes and 5km to get to where you are meant to be...

And the only person you know nearby is your son, is asleep, is without any money but has your other car with a tank full of petrol.


Oh well, maybe the next part of the quiz of the year, - explained in this handy link -will make it all go away.

It's a photo question.

D) How long did it take to get from Zut! to the Montmatre Steps?

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