Monday, 1 December 2014

The 2014 Quiz of the Year.

Blimey, it’s December already, the cold is coming and Christmas is just around the corner.

Or over the snow covered hill and through the pines.

So, what to do?

Before that there was the not very successful four Sundays of Advent and the year before that the short film advent. (which also had a musical element)

It looks as if the editor at this blog tries to offer up something seasonal.


That’s me.

But you know what?

Well, I had a great plan, in fact I had this great plan last year too, but – like last year – I haven’t got it together.

No excuses, but it’s on two and I need at least 24….so it’s on hold.

Maybe next year?

Then again I don’t want to do ANOTHER musical advent calendar, not yet anyway so…..?

Something that this blog has often flogged is The Quiz of The Year.

Like other dead horses this is something clearly dear to the editor’s heart but each year the reaction is underwhelming.

People don’t have time, people don’t care, people do but find it too hard, or they never get round to it.
But there has always been a prize.


Mary in Canada has won TWO of them.

I’ve got it!

December – QUIZ OF THE YEAR!

All month!


Let’s see ………….

December, 31 days.

The year – 12months.

Take away one day – today – 30 divided by 12.

Two and a half.


Ok, got it each day – starting tomorrow – Bitsnbobs will serve up questions that constitute the Bitsnbobs Quiz of The Year 2014.

One question each day.

The first three questions will concern January, the next two Feburary, then three about March, two about April etc etc until the final two which will be about this month – December.

A total of 30 questions.

The biggest Quiz of The Year Bitsnbobs has ever attempted.

The winner gets the GRAND PRIZE.

I have a month to work out what THE GRAND PRIZE is.

You have a month to answer the questions.

Answers have to be added into the comments of the corresponding post.

Yes – other people’s answers may help, but the FIRST person to leave a correct answer gets DOUBLE points.

Each day.

Ok – starts tomorrow.

It’s probably worth reading these rules again.

For both of us.

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