Sunday, 31 August 2014

In the garage at the end of the road trip of the year.

One of the best things about setting off on a road trip – as Bitsnbobs, the rolling blog you see before you, has all August – is that when you get back the answer phone machine will have a little flashing you’ve-got-a-message-light.

Did you know we had an answer phone machine?

Someone did!

Road trip … pack a bag, sling it over your shoulder and take your life to be near the sea, to see something beautiful.
They wrote it better than I could.

But then they added – Life journeys. Mine is stuck right now. Can’t pack my bag, ……don’t know where I can take my life.»
Sometimes it is precisely when you are in the second paragraph that you just have to live the first.

Just remember – « Have fun. »

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