Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Flotsam and The Jetsam.

St Jude Day’s storm thrashed through part of Europe last week, felling trees, people, and cranes shattering roofs and lives.

At the same time that the wind was whipping up the seas, global warming was melting ice caps and raising sea levels.

Bitsnbobs – your humble blog – battened down the hatches.

Some of them.


Ok folk, I have some bad news…..

As you may know Bitsnbobs is not just what you see here on the Front Page – it is also a team of backroom talent struggling daily to bring you artistic design as well as content.

Only this past month they came up with the Black and White alternating photos that adorned the Epilogue of the literary offering that has taken up most of the blog this year albeit on four of the other pages that you may, or may not, have found.

It is also The Archives – a labyrinth of caves, underground passages and endless hidden chambers wherein piles of manuscripts are carefully collected and catalogued by the tireless Ms Penny and her team of volunteers.

All of this was secreted under an old fisherman’s hut, somewhere far, far away.



Unfortunately old fishermen’s huts are often very close to the tide line and the aforementioned caves, passages and chambers are lost beneath the salty brine.

The old hut is just a pile of splintered driftwood.

And Mrs Penny is missing.

Assumed lost.

A remembrance service was held at midnight on Oct 31st – pumpkins were thrown into the waves and we sang songs.

She would have liked that.

So the Archives are gone.

All that remains are a few pages washing up in unlikely places.

The Flotsam and Jetsam of the past past.

This month we are publishing those remains.


Anne Hodgson said...

Oh, no! These are actual documents? My museum curator heart (a former life) skips a beat.

popps said...

Well they are "sort of" documents though sometimes they are real sort of.
There is of course a post as head archivist now (unfortunately) open.

Anne Hodgson said...

Oh no! Dust in the wind, or rather, kelp on the waves.

popps said...

Kelp and dust handler.
Do you want the job!!?