Wednesday, 5 December 2012

A Christmasy Musical Advent Calendar Thingy 5.


Yesterday the Christmasy Musical Advent Calendar Thingy© slipped up and the song mentioned Christmas as well as snow, hurtling the steady unfolding design scheme forward suddenly.

And today's dips back into winter- which was Sunday.

Yet it’s still only the first week of December, I haven’t decorated a tree yet and it’s raining.

Still, I did put snow tyres on the car yesterday and although this clearly WAS influenced by a 90 euro fine the police handed out to my son for driving with tyres that didn’t have enough tread for, well, anything in fact, it COULD indicate that there IS a grand design to this Christmasy Musical Advent Calendar Thingy© after all.

Which would then suggest that the selection for the 24th of December must have exceptional significance.

I for one can’t wait to find out!

1 comment:

Mary said...

LO - VE - LY!

'Winter Trees covered in snow,
I don't mind.'
