Wednesday, 19 December 2012

A Christmasy Musical Advent Calendar Thingy 19.

There is an obscure branch of psychotherapy known as Thinganalysis.

In it, a highly qualified and overpaid practitioner compares Christmasy Musical Advent Calendars from two different years (2011 and 2012 for example) and comes to deeply insightful conclusions about the mental health of their author.

I saw one yesterday.

He said I was more excited last year and that the Christmasy Musical Advent Calendar Thingy 2012 showed this very clearly.

I could have told him that.

No trek into the east following yonder star this year; no Mary and baby; no Gold Frankincense and Myrrh.

So I don’t feel very christmasy.

And today might be our last chance for a dance.

From here on in it gets solemn.


Mary said...

The tragedy in Connecticut last Friday has cast a dark shadow over Christmas on this side of the pond. It's hard to listen to the happy songs but it is almost impossible to bear the sentimental ones.

Not sure if the CMACT is intended to be interactive but here are three songs, all by Canadians, that you may or may not have heard, that have given me some comfort amid the heartache season: -- Partland Brothers -- Aselin Debison -- Ennis Sisters

A heartfelt wish for a safe holiday and a better new year to BnB and its readers from Canada.

Thanks to you Chris, HIM, Miss Penny an other archivists and editorial staff at BnB for another memorable year of blogging bliss.


popps said...

There's a dark shadow over this side of The Pond too Mary.
I had to address it on the blog or leave the Advent Calendar to run, and honestly it was easier to let the calendar run, the immensity of what happened is beyond me.
But how can you say you are not sure the calendar is interactive.
It is you that encouraged me to do it, shaped last year's version and are probably the only person listening this time round.
So now i will sit back and listen to what you have added.
By the way Bruce Cockburn (14th December ) is Canadian; i'm not ignoring them!

Mary said...

Thanks for the Cockburn addition to CMACT. I think he is much under-appreciated.

Here is one more if you can stand it featuring 4 more Canadians - Sarah Mclachlan and the Canadian Tenors:

By interactive, I just meant that I didn't want to interrupt or in any throw off course the very intricate design you have put into place with a 'green biro' [not sure what that is] for the CMACT.

Of course, BnB is open for interactive business every day. No rest as they say for the ...

No one listening you think but me? I doubt that but some years have felt that way to me too. We're all just feathers wafting in the wind, doing the best we can.

Jingle all the way!


[Yes - I am ending my comments with lyrics of Xmas songs. I plead Xmas insanity -- should be better by the 26th;-)]

popps said...

Do you really not know what a 'green biro' is?

Mary said...

Hmmmm! Googled it. Now know it's a pen ... but not just any pen ... it's the pen used by Zaphod Beetlebrox in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.

Do I feel stupid? Not sure.


Mary said...

PS -- OOPS - forgot to add:

Wish I had a river to skate away on.


popps said...

River to skate away on was LAST year!
What do Canadians call biros?

Mary said...

Most of my life referred to 'BICs' -- but now you hear 'Sharpie' a lot. It's a kind of marker.

Another correction -- I meant to say BeeBlebrox, of course, not BeeTlebrox. Do you think it's my age?

OOH -- forgot what I was going to say.

Oh yeah. Did I mention that my fully decorated [with lights] Xmas tree, fell over -- not once but twice -- last week? Broke some glass ornaments and made an awful mess when the rug got wet. After two attempts to re-install, I pulled all the decor and lights off and shoved it onto the front veranda and stuck it into a bucket of water. It would have stayed there if my younger brother hadn't driven up from Niagara to march me over to the local hardware store to purchase something called 'Santa's Last Stand' -- the untippable, lifetime guaranteed contraption that I shall have to keep for at least 20 years to justify its cost.

A minor calamity. Life is so ridiculous yet so fragile.

O Tannenbaum. O Christmas Tree.
You fill my heart with music.


[Is it sleepytime yet?]

popps said...

Do i think it's your age?
I think it's your mouth!
What are you talking about?oh, ok, got it Zephod!

No you forgot to mention your Christmas Tree story but i am glad you did.
Please ask your brother what the point of having an untippable tree is.

Sleepytime? For me, for you? Generally?
I'm sleepy all the time.

Which reminds me of something i heard the other day ' Do you know that six out of seven dwaves aren't happy?"

popps said...

Oh,i found another (Canadian)!
6th December!

Mary said...

See -- it wasn't just my imagination. Canadians singing about Christmas are all around us.

So it is Xmas and what have you done? Another year older.
Happy Xmas [War is Over] - John Lennnon.


popps said...

We're trying to be eclectic!!

popps said...

I think the person singing here on Christmas eve went to canada for a holiday once.