Saturday, 10 November 2012

An comparison of two extracts from a piece of writing written in response to exercise three on page ten of ‘The Creative Screenwriter’ (by Zara Waldeback and Craig Batty) – a book I am trying to systematically work through (by not turning a page until all the exercises are, er, fully exercised) – in which 500 words written about your day (mine in this case) had to be rewritten without using the letter A which I thought might make an interesting post for Day Ten of the (amazing) ‘Blog Posts Must Be Shorter Than The Blog Post Title That Precedes Them’ month currently unfolding here on Bitsnbobs (the Blog with folds).


The road was quiet, my thoughts noisy, mainly of you but I tried not to think I was thinking. Instead I drove, in control of something.


The route kept quiet, my thoughts noisy – only of you but I tried not to think of my thinking. Else wise I drove, relieved to be in control of something.

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