Monday 24 September 2012

Rambling along -24

You know those big boxes they give you at the takeaway for your pizza?

Pizza size, made of cardboard with the word Pizza on the lid?

I was holding one the other day, walking away from the place that has Pizza written in very big letters on the wall and I crossed paths with a woman heading in the other direction.

She stopped and said; “Have you just got yourself a pizza?”

“No, it’s a new laptop,” I replied.

She looked at me as if I were mad.

I put the pizza in the car and walked up to the newsagents – I wanted a copy of The Guardian Weekly.

I picked one from the otherwise empty rack of British newspapers – it’s usually full – and went to pay.

“It’s been three days now that we haven’t had any from the British press”, the owner exclaimed suggesting that in some way it was my fault.

“Maybe there hasn’t been any news”, I replied.

She looked at me as if I were mad.

A man stopped me on the way home from work.

“Have you got a light, mac?” he asked.


Vicki Hollett said...

The link didn't work but it didn't matter at all because the lyrics had the b.d. do dah band playing right away in my head.

popps said...

Ah, thank you Vicki.
Third party copyright strikes again!