Thursday 23 February 2012

The 39 Steps.

Lent begins.


Mary said...

Are you ok?

Have you given up WORDS for Lent? Or have I missed something -- a countdown to Easter perhaps?

Hope you aren't still sick.

My son had a bad virus for a week or so after which I caught it and was off work for a few days. Have been dragging myself around since the weekend.

Thank goodness Easter will be here in a few weeks and with it -- Spring!


popps said...

Ok now thankyou.
I caught your son's virus too though
Hmmm that could be it!

Mary said...

BnB's without (Gulp) WORDS and with the same photo everyday -- though must say it is a gorgeous pancake -- seems very LENTen?

Giving up your readers for Lent? Seems a bit too Toy Story 3, I think.

Mx :-(

popps said...

I haven't given up my readers- look, i'm talking to you!

popps said...

But your original question - am i ok, is probably more important!

Mary said...

Glad to hear that you are recovered. Sounds like you've had an unusually cold, frustrating, and messy February. Hope March turns things around for you.


Vicki said...

I think you're going to give us 38 count down images. :-)

popps said...

I think Mary is right Vicki, the image is going to be the same, i thought it gave the blog a Lent feel.
It's conceptual art you see!
I hope Mary you are right about March!