Yesterday’s blog post title – let me remind you, “Yesterday, Today, Forever” – was, as well as vaguely linked to yesterday’s blog post content, a reference to a song I used to sing at Sunday school.
It goes like this – “Yesterday, Today, forever Jesus is the same.”
That’s all I can remember, anymore will necessitate a quick google.
Hang on….
Well, well, well - it seems that the bit I remember is from the chorus; I have no memory of the verses.
The chorus though, which was pretty fun to sing, goes like this
“ Yesterday, today, Forever, Jesus is the same, All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name! Glory to His Name! All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!”
That’s reassuring.
I think.
Because a lot of things don’t.
Stay the same.
Of course, you have to believe in Jesus for this to work….
Hang on…
Didn’t he live, die, rise from the dead and sit on the right hand of God?
That’s hardly staying the same is it?
Believing in all that stuff was a big part of me when I was a teenager but then one day I realized that I only prayed before exams.
I figured that that was not what the Good Lord intended so I resolved to try and get through my A-levels on my own.
I know, I know – one shouldn’t tempt the Lord like that.
But I did.
Shortly after that I went hitchhiking with three mates in Ireland.
Each day we would choose a destination, and a time – Skibereen, in front of the church 8pm, or 9am the following morning for example – and then we would separate along the road and try and get lifts.
I kept on getting picked up by nuns, who very quickly ask if I was a believer and when I told them my exam story they would proclaim that it was their mission to set me back on the straight and narrow, detouring miles from their own to take me where I was going and therefore have more time in which to save me.
What I really believed in, of course, were catholic girls.
They were the best.
The Hymn was written by Albert Simpson who lived between 1843 and 1919.
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