Wednesday 20 January 2010

Quick! It's on the way. Rejoice etc.

If you are reading this blog further north than I am writing it – see map above – I have some good news for you.

Every year it happens.

The nights get longer, the days get colder and the winter sets in.

The trees give up, the leaves disappear into a cold earth and the sky looks pissed off.

You know how it is.

But then every year IT happens.

Or, SOMETHING, happens - and spring reminds you that it’s there too, waiting.

If you are alert you can catch those first happenings - sometimes they appear incredulously early – that once they stack up become impossible to deny.

It’s started!!

It’s earlier than the last time i noticed these things – maybe I’m just desperate – but it’s certain.

Two days ago a line of processionnaires along the track made me stop the bike. It can’t be true, I thought, on the move already?

I cycle on.

I’m still heavy and leaden from December, it CAN’T be true.

Another line!

The next morning and there is no sulking sky – but a blue ocean, and a sharp edged one at that!

A heavy frost yes, and a chill that almost fooled me but, there, can you feel it?


And today?

A lamb in the fields.


Anne Hodgson said...

And I found a bush full of birds. It humbles you, doesn't it?

vicki said...

The onset of spring is very nice, but nothing compares with the onset of summer.
Once a year, there's a morning - usually in May I think - when I get out of bed and pull on a Tshirt, stick my feet in my flip flops and I realise that this is it. It's here. It's going to be like this for months and months. I'll never need a coat. We can eat dinners on the deck. And it's going to last for months and months.

popps said...

Is "humble" the word i would choose? maybe not.
It makes me stop, and look around but i think th efeeling for me is a mixture of "wow i had forgotten" and "yipee".
So Yowpee!

popps said...

Vicki isn't there an old English saying - cast not a clout before May is out?
So you be careful with those flip flops.
Mind you in France they say - En avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil. En mai, fais ce qu’il te plait.
So maybe its ok?

Janet Bianchini said...

I agree it is lovely when you see signs of revival in the garden. A blue sky yesterday cerainly did wonders and I spent some quality time happily composting away, chopping, cutting,dicing and then adding it all to the mix.

vicki said...

I'm pretty sure that means I can do what the heck I like in May, right? But what have I not got to leave uncovered in April?

popps said...

Don't uncover anything!!!