A year ago I suffered a moment of hiatus here in my own blog.
Self inflicted blog hiatus I guess, though I had better look the word up in the dictionary and make sure that I am using it as the literary world intended.
Hang on.
Yep, it’s ok.
I had just finished a series of posts inspired by the idea “advent calendar” and returned from an illuminating and inspiring trip to England where the New year festivities fooled me into ignoring the continuity of all things; for a moment I thought it important to start everything afresh and I redesigned the blog template, didn’t like it, started a new blog combining recipes and personal experiences from my local market, didn’t like that either, and stopped writing before returning to what I had been doing, which is this.
This year I posted a series of posts inspired by the idea “advent calendar” and went to England for an illuminating and inspiring trip which was sometimes a little confusing, and resolved not to get self blog hiatus again.
And, in a flourish of old year inspiration, I posted the Bitsnbobsshowntell Quiz of the Year to mark the end of 2009.
Then I woke up after fireworks, drove to an airport, caught a plane, drove from an airport, bought a Pizza from Bernard and arrived on Martin’s doorstep JUST in time to catch the second part of the Dr Who Christmas special, which also marked the end of the tenth incarnation of Doctor Who.
Something that had started for me when I was 8 years old watching from the safety of behind the family sofa.
Who would have guessed that I would wake to Quiz of the Year hiatus?
You see….. I know that I do not have many readers of this blog, but there have been one or two - maybe three - and I thought that might be enough to create a dynamic cut and thrust competition – especially when there is a grand prize.
And there lies the dilemma.
To date there has only been one entry in the great competition.
So, do I declare that person the outright winner, even though they were clearly drunk (and very funny) when they answered or do I leave the blog unattended long enough for someone else to stumble upon it?
Hmmm, dilemma dilemma. Hiatus, hiatus.
Or do I do this?
You can't say that this blog doesn't deliver it's promises!!!
Most of the answers can be found on the blog (questions 2 and 8 are exceptions) so ......
Click on the link, do the quiz, and Happy New Year!!
Click here to take survey (Quiz)
ps There is a prize for the winner - along with fame and honour there is also a very fine bottle of red wine that will be sent to you or delivered personally depending on who you are,
(originally posted December 31 2009.)
You have ONE week - both of you!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
The form tells me the answer I entered for no 4 is an invalid format. I reckoned: Technically speaking, somewhere along the 180 degrees longitude line, but for Bits and Bobs, perhaps London Town? (Hey - maybe Clapham)
Dear Annoymous, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your encouragement, you might like to see tomorrow's post.
Vicki, a very happy new year to you and thanks for doing the quiz - your answer to question four has been registered via your comments and will be included in the final analysis.
However, depending on any other responses there maybe an erratum (?) published concerning question 4.
I was not drunk. That's the way I normally am. They used to call it gay, I believe. Give me red wine and I'll get as serious as you please. Or, actually, I'd prefer not to ;)
Hoping you're smiling a lot these days.
Anne, very happy thanks, and you?
ps i was pulling your leg
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