Monday 14 December 2009

Advent Calendar day 14

another advent calendar


Janet Bianchini said...

I love your fab advent calendar idea. Is the video of your local church? It looks beautiful.

popps said...

day 13 outside view of church in nearby town St Antonin.

day 14 inside the cathedral in Toulouse

day 8 local village church, outside

I'm glad you are enjoying it.

Just a pure coincidence by the way, the link to the "another advent calendar" takes you to last year and honest, i didn't plan it but the two day 14 are in the same place!

Anne Hodgson said...

beautiful !!!

popps said...

Thankyou Anne, candles can transform most things i think.
I'd have them on my christmas tree if i could trust the cats.

Anne Hodgson said...

Oh, I don't know. My cat used to climb up and nearly knock the tree down all the time. Plenty of baubles went that way. But she never did it when the candles were lit, strangely enough. You think your cats would have the nerve??

popps said...

The nerve no, the stupidity YES!