Someone sent me this e-mail recently.
“Dear Bitsnbobs, what is going on? Every time I drop into your blog I don’t understand what on earth you are rambling on about! Take this month – March – what’s with the wet stuff?”
Join the club mate! I haven’t got a clue either!
Only the other day, in a conversation between myself and I – that you can read here – one of us stated, “we are going to do it.”
Today, in the cool grey mist of Monday morning, neither of me is sure that we will - whatever it is!
I think we promised to fill March with posts only about rain - in the belief (explained here) that this would maintain indefinitely the blue skies that have settled along with the Spring.
But successfully navigating the final four days AND incorporating this leitmotiv, looks nigh impossible from where I write.
And today it’s raining!
I grab the list, published here, that was meant to guide me in this endeavour and today it all seems uninspiring - even if only half completed.
I turn back to the e-mail which continues…..
Actually it doesn’t continue, nobody sent me such an e-mail, I’m making it up; but I DID get an email last week that posed this enigmatic question;
“What did Picasso say when he saw the rain?”
I have been thinking about this all weekend; clearly it is the beginning of a very funny joke and I have been struggling to come up with a punch line.
Let the Cezanne in? (let the sunshine in)
Gauguin my umbrella? (go get my umbrella)
Are the best I have managed.
What did Picasso say when he saw the rain?
He he he :-)
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