Hey, wake up! I’ve got some great news!
Eh? What? Oh, you, damm, I was having a great dream.
What about?
Mary, she was……
That’s it, the great news, look!
What is it?
The committee for all things rain related report into the last 27 days, and it clearly states that every 27 posts on this blog have ALL had a clear reference to rain, thus honouring the mission statement posted here, and, and….. that includes last Sunday!
It does?
It does! YOU mentioned rain!
I did?
You did!!
You said Mary!
I did?
Of course you did, you always do.
I do?
You do, and it’s an anagram.
It is?
It is!
Say it quickly!
Raym. Raym . Raym.
What does it sound like?
Raym. Raym . Raym?
Say it even quicker
Raym, Raym, Raym, beautiful Rain!!!!!
You see?
I do! So we are almost done then, three days to go, we're going to make it aren't we?
What about the Oscars?
What about them?
I thought we were going to talk about them?
Did I say we would?
Yes, last week, you said “next week”.
Next week it is then. Bye.
HI Chris
Lovely picture of vines!
Thank you very much for posting detailed instructions re links.
Here's the result! Fingers crossed it works.
I followed the instructions to a tee but the link didn't double in size as you had predicted, so not sure if something went wrong.
Beautiful posts and photos all week. Nice to get acquainted with your favourites spots. You live in a lovely, peaceful area. I do not. But may someday. Missing Vancouver more and more everyday.
Still seems strange that you are getting to the end of your month of rain when here in T.O. we have snow on the ground from a snowstorm that blew through and dumped a foot last week.
Call it what you will -- rain or raym -- to me it's LUXURY!
Re Canada's conservative government. It fell last Friday at around 2:25 pm EST on a non-confidence vote. This government of ours has now distinguished itself by being the first government in Parliamentary history [not just in Canada] to be found "In contempt of Parliament". Let's hope this is the end of our hawkish government of secrets and lies.
We go to the polls on May 2. One of my clients is Elections Canada so I have a contract that has been activated by the election call. Will be busy, busy, busy in the coming weeks.
Funny how we say something completely different, yet everyone understands. I don't get pronunciation. Less and less now that I'm actually thinking about it. It's like walking, start thinking about how you do it and you fall flat on your face.
Janet, try again?
Mary - yes the Canadian parliamentary situation had made the news over here in the SUN (see picture) but the news that parliament is in contempt of itself is great news for comedians everywhere.
ps I too am missing Vancouver more and more, it must be a special place.
Anne, hi, you remind me of the question "how do you pronounce this word - GHOTI" which i assume you know.
And the song "Mairzy Doatshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dny_JDlwGFM&feature=related"
which you may not.
i'm not sure what you'll make of Monday's puns but hope you can come up with something better!
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