Wake up.
Stroke cat.
Read chapter of book.
Get up.
Dip in pond-brrrr.
Walk across meadow into wood, collect firewood.
Put kettle on.
Take nectarine from fridge put it on table in sunshine.
Slice bread, put it in toaster.
Hang out washing.
Butter toast, add apricot jam.
Make cup of green tea.
Take computer, toast and tea go outside.
Stroke cat.
Check e-mail.
Go look for a book.
Find another.
Check newspaper on-line.
Read about Tea Party on wikipedia.
Sip tea.
Welcome to the TENTH Digestive, the weekly easy-to-read summary of the past week here on bitsnbobs that no one reads.
And the past week was HOT!
A week that showed us how and how not to paint.
A week dominated, in my mind though, by a challenge laid by a loyal reader in the comments section and which, with no idea of what I intend to do, accept!
And which is why i went looking for a book (see above) that i didn't find (see tomorrow i hope).
And, because it’s Digestive number ten – there’s a free gift!!
The first person to leave a comment (and send me their address if I don’t have it) will receive their own personal Bumble Bee toothbrush holder!!
OK, I claim the bumble bee tooth brush holder! Not sure if you have my address but I'll send it by email in case.
I'm impressed Dave and a bumble bee will wing your way shortly, i have to get one from Toulouse and yes i need your exact address - i would like to deliver it by hand but that may take a while.
Is it sad that i am resorting to such efforts to build readership?
Am glad that Dave won the bumblebee toothbrush holder but feel that we transatlanteans didn't stand a chance with the time difference.
I've been out of town again visiting my parents in Niagara -- my Aunt [my Dad's sister] passed away this week so having a bit of family get together. She was 89. My Dad is the last surviving sibling. She had a good life I think.
Now, what to do about the comments or lack there of? Many reasons I should think -- shyness, for sure. Laughing too hard to type? Sometimes crying? Who knows? But I wouldn't worry about it -- as a reader, I'm just grateful to have a front row seat while you create and re-create and illuminate your world.
I'm sorry about your Aunt Mary.
I hope she is happy.
A good point about Transatlantic chances in competition, but since this is the fisrt time Dave has left a comment for over a year he MUST be desperate for the bee, so i-ll guess we'll let him have it this time.
i'll give you an even chance in whatever next competition etc.
I can't believe that nobody reads your weekly digestives - of course they do! I'm always popping in to read Bits'Bobs as the posts are usually at the top of my blog list, so I can't miss them!
Keep up the great work and don't ever give up your inimitable style:)
PS I'm sure inimitable means uncopiable - something not possible to imitate ie unique!!
Thank you Janet but i'm sorry - no bumble bee this time, Dave was first!
I agree, I wasn't quick enough! Maybe next time?
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