I was a bit premature with yesterday's Digestive as it turned out that the front page of the guardian newspaper was MUCH more interesting and I should have just redirected you all there.
You see I got distracted, as the second headline was about the Tea Party gathering in the USA and having systematically ignored all Tea Party news EVER, I suddenly felt ignorant and got distracted by going to Wikipedia to find out if I should hate them a little bit or a lot.
And that’s when I found out that Laurie Anderson was married!
I don’t know how I managed to miss that since it apparently happened in 2008!
And Mr Anderson turns out to be Lou Reed!
For years I have hoped that either her and him or her and David Byrne would get together musically and work on at least one collaboration and then I find out two of them are married!
Why didn’t anyone tell me?
Clearly I should stop leaning on the Guardian newspaper for my source, as it was only yesterday that I noticed they reported it – maybe they too only found out this week.
They published a feature – Laurie Anderson Show and Tell – and clearly, with a blog name Bitsnbobsshowntell, I couldn’t ignore that.
It turns out she likes chocolate – so if I wasn’t already a big fan I would be now.
She also doodles ideas – on a blackboard – and any chance to enter the genie-chaos of her artistic mind must be seized.
Krissie met her backstage once – but that’s another story.
So- why is it that great artists never collaborate? I once travelled all the way to Paris to see Bob Dylan and Van Morrison play in the same concert only to be as amazed as I was disappointed that they didn’t sing even one note together.
It was a good concert though.
And to be fair they have left us this.
to be continued
Laurie Anderson is most certainly a kindred spirit for you Chris -- those chocolate bunnies and the great photos. And married to Lou Reed? Somehow it all makes sense.
Thanks for sharing the news and the links.
Crunch week(s)here. Read BnB every day but will be in contact when I can.
School begins next week ... have you bought your new pencils and notebooks yet?
If it was ONLY pencils and notebook!!
New studio apartment, new insurance for the apartment, agency fees to the apartment owners, new standing order with the electric company, new health insurance,new bed, new sofa, new cooking equipment - at least he hasn't asked for a car.
I assume you are referring to your beloved son -- Loui -- the light of your life.
Seems a small price to pay.
Where is he studying? Far from home?
I miss him already.
He's off to Toulouse to do a one year Arts Foundation course, which of course is a private school and very very...
signed - mr penniless, France.
ps. does light in Canada mean bane?
pps. Is that how you spell it?
ppps. Not it, i mean bane?
Nice to see you're in fine fettle these days.
Bane is spelled correctly and is in fact interchangeable with light when referring to teenage to adult children.
Toulouse sounds exotic and hopefully not too far away.
Hope Loui has a wonderful year!
Enough with the hope already - send food and money parcels!
Money making suggestion:
Perhaps Loui could illustrate your 'What if' series as one of his projects towards his attaining his degree. Then maybe you could find a publisher and sell the stories as a book for young and the young at heart.
Worth consideration?
If not, I'll be sending you my contribution -- a LOONIE ($1 CDN), a TWOONIE ($2 CDN) and a bottle of the best maple syrup you've ever tasted.
Yes it's been at the back of my mind - but now you say the magic words -best Maple Syrup ever-and my mind is only thinking of pancakes!!
By the way, get yourself a bottle of La Sortilege - available only (i believe) in Quebec - it's a maple syrup whisky.
Try it on ice cream.
Now that's better -- I knew that switching the topic to food would lift the spirit and inspire the imagination.
Mmmmmmm ... maple syrup whisky on ice cream.
What a wonderful picture of a great couple, with Laurie wearing a tiara and Lou wearing his face. Would love to walk in the mermaid parade. Nice backbeat, that. MERmaid parADE.
And what a face eh?!
American accent needed perhaps?
Otherwise that's a real groan of a pun - which are sometimes the best.
Can i nominate it for the blog's Oscars?
Just marade!
Waddle you be this year in the Mermaid Parade?
(Please don't throw anything)
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