This village exists, doesn’t it?
It does.
In the mountains?
So these mountains exist?
And this train.
Of course.
Running from the coast to the city in several hours?
Not exactly.
It runs from the city to the mountains.
No coast?
Neither in the city, nor the mountains….. though there is a coast somewhere else.
What about the streams and rivers?
What about them?
Do they exist, in this village?
Yes, they do and their babble fills the streets and alleyways.
The hostel?
It’s there, but maybe it’s a guest house.
The woman?
I don’t know what to say, she’s probably real but she wasn’t there then, or now.
But she’s real?
But she didn’t come this morning from the coast?
She might have, but not by train.
She’s forty?
Older than that now, but forty as well.
She has green eyes, brighter than any emerald?
It would be nice, but there are no emeralds, and no mines. At least, not any that I am aware of.
Raven black hair?
Probably dyed.
Red dress suit?
Red dress.
Like the suitcase?
It’s not red, it’s grey and it’s not there , it’s here.
What about the anger?
Maybe red, more probably black. Certainly dark.
Probably, yes, at the bottom of a bottle of wine.
Older than that now, but forty as well." Love this!! Never saw that written before, and yet so true! We are all the ages we've been in the past, we are fourteen and forty and fifty at the same time, all the time. Take care Popps.
Thank you. So.... i wonder which age you would like to be best?
If you had to settle on one for ever - which is quite a long time.
Which is probably a stupid question.
I think Dylan might have been singing in the back of my mind - "ah, but i was so much older then, i'm younger than that now."
Once again, thanks
I had copied this quote a while ago:
"We have never arrived. We are in a constant state of becoming".
Do you know who wrote it?
Yes, Dylan!!
A constant state of becoming... So my est age is problably... Today! (over 50!)
"I'm older than that today" ... So poetic!
Happy Birthday !!!
Ah ah! Thanks! (it's in april...)
"I'm *younger*than that today"", (I got confused by the hole in space and time.)
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