Thursday, 30 June 2016

The Book of Sadness.

one in every hedge

The Book of Genesis is old; The Book of Sadness even older.

Within it, all manner of pain and hurt can be learnt.

The Guardians, who compiled the book, hoped to save the world from the horrors it portrayed.

It wasn’t.

Some people used the teachings in the book for their own twisted means.

So the Guardians hid the book.

It lies in a high tower by a lonely shore; access is impossible.

The Guardians are alert to any attempt to find it.

The Guardians of The Book of Sadness are themselves sad.

They hoped for a better world.



Mary said...

The antidote is love.

Beautiful in any language --


PS -- Happy Canada Day!

popps said...

All you need? (you old hippy :-))