Sunday 11 May 2014

Entanglement of the year.

This will be incomplete; the memory of it is already fading as the sun rises on a new morning of bird song.

So let’s begin with not with the beginning but with the horse.

The horse speaks.

The rider on the horse’s back holds tight and listens.

“Be ready for the splash, and the water will taste of salt but as soon as it tastes of earthquake give me a signal”, and horse and rider surge off of the cliff and tumble for ever towards the sea far below.

What is this sea? Why is it here? There is no question of the flight.

People are controlled, the horse is breaking through, the land of rock and dust has been left behind for this coast of rich beauty; it was hidden until now except to those who were taken there as false reward and never returned.

What happened to them?

Did they cross over? Or perish?

But now there is a hill, a last outcrop and the search for those like the rider is intense.

One person cowers, trapped in a cage, a green menace circling the bars of the cage.

The menace is the fetish, maybe friend, maybe foe but certainly the signal to those searching that the quarry is here.

At the final moment of discovery something happens and cage and quarry, fetish still twisting through and around the bars, is lifted free by unseen forces and carried to safety, set down and free amongst many of a similar will.


The roads are full of improvised vehicles and thousands people unshackled and strong.

The searchers back off.

A battle will rage, but it will not be tonight.

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