Tuesday 23 October 2012

New Smells.

I would really like a bath.

I have just returned from bike ride far, up and down dale, through forest, stream and field and I had a good sweat; especially on the hill from hell which is just near here.

Just next to the dale.

So I need a bath – it follows. No?

But because of the wind – see here – there is no water in the house, and there hasn’t been for four days.

It follows, no?


Why should strong winds, even when apocalyptical, mean no water in the bathroom?

What IS the connection between strong gusts - (apocalyptically strong)- and smelly toilets?

The electricity company!

Of course!

Wind blows, tree falls on electric cables, pump at the reservoir explodes, and Electricity Company took the week off.

Actually that’s a bit unfair… a lot of trees fell, the electricity company have been working day and night – well, day at least – to cut the trees up for firewood for the winter and probably mended the pump days ago.

It’s just that when these things happen air gets in the system and my house is at the end of the system so my bath is full of air.

Which doesn’t clean you.

I’m waiting for the man from the water agency to blow down the pipes.

He’s waiting for my 26th phone call of complaint.

I’m up to 16 so far.

Four a day seems fair.


Mary said...

No Water? No Way!

No Barrel to catch rainwater?

You could try those portable 'baby wipes' -- I used them in a pinch on a camping trip once.

And keep complaining - squeaky wheel gets the grease.

And yes, this is the joy of home ownership.


popps said...

barrel full of sunshine.