Monday, 3 September 2012

Rambling along 2.

Not every one goes on holiday - here at Bitsnbobs the Summer has been a time to explore The (extensive) Archives. Now, armed with a handful of Ramblings from The Turbulent Chambers, we are Rambling home. This is (sort of) explained here.

You know these “Theme Months” we get here on Bitsnbobs – the blog with months, the blog with themes, the blog with three WITHs - four - in the opening sentence?

They’re just a technique for me to catch up, to build up a bit of a reserve so that the “a post a day” challenge that I have set myself doesn’t drive me into the ground.

So here I am, three-quarter way through “The Archive” month and I’ve already sorted, started, sketched the next month – “Lists’ so that I can write away freely with no pressure.

Which is what I’m doing this eve, summer, outside alongside a small fire, under star, and in t-shirt at 11.32.

Writing this – clearly – but other stuff too, that will appear in September I guess.

Unless another theme pops into my head. They also let me hide.

The man in me will hide some time, just to keep from being seen.


New Morning.

But that’s just because he doesn’t want to turn into some machine.

Actually, not true.

I crossed a line.

Most of you might not have noticed.

But someone probably will have.

And it was too much.

So hiding is good.

So themes are good.

And I get to sit here this eve, summer, outside alongside a small fire, under star, and in t-shirt at 11.32. and write stuff that is a bit too honest, which may never see the light of day and which, if it does, may hold echoes of the music I was listening to as I wrote it.

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