Sunday 23 September 2012

A (penultimate) Rambling Along Thought of The Day

How long have we been rambling?

23 days.

No, that’s not what I meant.

What did you say it for then?

To break the silence.

Don’t you like silence?

Well, it can be very quiet sometimes you know, but, what I meant is how long has it been?

Oh! One hundred and fifteen days.



Has it really been that long since we slept in the house?

It has.

I can’t believe it!

Well, it’s not absolute proof but there’s this.

I’m amazed!

It’s been good though eh?

Aye, but… I suppose we will have to go home.

That’s where we’re heading; it won’t be long now.

Do you think it’s still there?

One can never tell, but the mornings Are getting chilly so I hope so.

So this “Rambling Along” stuff – it’s not just a load of old stuff you wrote that you’ve been sticking together from The Archives?

Not JUST that, though that as well, it's also been a chance to stick in some photos of a prior ramble along the Thames in London whilst ACTUALLY rambling along the Thames again and taking NEW pictures that can start appearing when we get home. BUT – it’s also been a ramble of the soul!

What’s that when it’s at home?

Well it’s not at home, that’s the whole point - the soul has been going back to its youth and now its time to buckle down and make believe.

What are you rambling on about?

It all started with reinvention, so we went back to the source and now we are (reluctantly and slowly) heading back to where we once belonged.

Get back?



Subtle is good.


Vicki Hollett said...

I feel like I've been partly responsible for the silence because I've been away too long. Forgive me!

popps said...

not at all vicki!
All that work on your site is justification for anything.
It is me being silent.
A summer's withdrawal from the big bad world.