Thursday, 5 July 2012

From a Very Distant archive, far, far, away. 5.

All this month of July the editorial staff of Bitsnbobs have shut themselves away in the distant archives. They hope to turn up a few gems, but whatever they find THERE will appear HERE.

Once you have crossed the vast empty cave which is never empty, that forms the entrance to the archives, you come to a smaller cave full only of questions. It is unclear why, but this is the only part of the archives that are organised alphabetically - the caves that lie beyond are organised on a temporal system. 

Albeit haphazard.

Some are obscure

can i cover you in poppies?
how old is the emerald?

Some are obscured by layers of dust and doubt.

do you feel an......................?

Others pertain to whatever they pertain.

do you still dream of exams?
how did you feel about being found under the table?
tell me about the panda?

And some have become slogans adopted by the archive staff. (oh yes, the archives have staff!)

when,why,where (broken wrist)?
will i...........................?

But none of the questions are important anymore- this is WHY they are stored in the archives.

But ALL of these questions are important - this is why they are stored in the archives.

Mrs Penny has not seen the cave of answers for many years.

editors note - some very early editions yesterday contained most of this.

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